Wednesday, June 17, 2009

No matter what person you come across,there is always a good and bad within them.Thats what you call war within.If the good out weighs the bad then there labeled as passive but if the negative in the person show more than their positive emotional appearance they get tattooed"SELFISH" right on their forehead.
For the past eighteen years of my life I've done alot of growing up.Came to realization at the age of seventeen that you can never trust anyone a hundred percent.It always seems to backfire a few months later. It's funny how life could scare you at any spare moment or second you have even if that moment was to clear you mind.It's very rare when my mind is clear.When coming to a conclusion with the feelings you have towards human nature,it makes you feel more aware of yourself and surrondings.Being caved from that dark lonley world and being pushed out into it all of a sudden taught me many lessons that will carry me on into adulthood.I've been battling myself,my parents,my family for so long and been so hypocrite to the point where i noticed that I'm against war and I'm still always arguing.I guess it's a disposition.
Everyday is a life lesson whether it's crossing the street on at the corner or saying good morning as a courtesy to your neighbors but it all adds up in the end.

"For many years ,months,hours,and seconds,Ive watched,Ive growed,I see,but at the end of the day what happens always happens for a reason,and life with form itself on how it has to be".

I write to inspire!

1 comment:

  1. thats deep, both the postive and negative within someone and being pushed to a dark lonely road really speaks to me. Writing to inspire, i understand that completely :)
